DCU vs. North West Hippies

The game is Wednesday so I’m assuming that most aren’t going to make it up. I’ll be taking the 11 a.m. train and getting a ride back with the one and only Brian B. The rest of you mugs will want to gather at Gus’ to watch the game at 7:30 on CSN Direct Kick. If we don’t win or tie this game I’m likely to slip into deep depression, shave my head and hang out on the corner with a sign reading. “Team Sucks, Any defender will help.”

Posted in Seattle Sounders | Leave a comment

Pink Cows come to DC

Who can ever forget this shining DCU vs. Red Bulls moment? Game is this Thursday at 8:00 p.m. on ESPN. Last I checked, nobody but Brian is heading up and he most likely will already be up there, so no carpool opportunities. So let’s meet up at Gus’ and cheer the boys from afar.

Posted in Redbulls | 1 Comment

Viewing Party for Toronto Game

DCU vs. America's Northern Annex

We haven’t had a viewing party at a bar. Let’s do one
Saturday 7:00 p.m. at Gus’. Drink, eat and cheer on United.

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DCU vs. LA Gals on Saturday

Yes that video was a long time ago but it still feels so good. Queen Landycake with his high-pitched pitcher Beckham and all the baby bitches are heading into town this Saturday. The game kicks off at 7:30. Pedro has started the van pool thread on Facebook head over there to sign up or if don’t do Facebook post here and I’ll transfer it over.

Does this image grabbed from the DCU website piss off anyone else?

Also don’t forget there is a Open Cup Play in game on Wednesday vs. Philly at the soccer complex. I’m not sure if they are webcasting and I don’t know of anyone heading up on that Bataan deathmarch of a commute.

Posted in LA Galaxy, Tailgate Info, US Open Cup | 3 Comments

First Game of 2011 – Carpool Information

Can you spot the Crew Fan?

Hope springs eternal and at this point all is sunshine and roses. We kick off the season with a game against the Crew at 7:30 p.m. at lovely RFK. The plan is to meet at Brian’s house at 1:45, leave shortly after. Current list of travelers; Me, Tom R, Tom M, Willis, Doug, Jiminy, Robbie, Tom, Sabrina, Roy, Brian. So we will probably need at least one car in addition to the van. We have at least one car meeting us at Brian’s so any overflow will ride up with Nic. If you are bringing guests and didn’t mention in on Facebook you might have to drive up. Looking forward to hanging out with all you crazies on a more regular basis.

Posted in Columbus Crew | Leave a comment

Only Three Final DCU Home Games Left

The much better original logo for Team Fanta.

Houston is coming to town on Saturday. You only need to know two facts.

  • There are 3 home games left
  • Moreno is leaving the team

Jaime does not deserve to end his DCU career to a half empty Barra. As many of as possible should be singing and screaming for our time just as we have for the good times. If anyone has room for me that would be great. I am going to this game and the last one. If you can’t make the next two please try to make it to the last game vs. Toronto on 10/23.

Posted in Houston Dynamo | 4 Comments


Nothing to do with TFC but it is a dinosaur playing basketball and that is always cool.

This Saturday the boys head up to Toronto for an afternoon game. Kickoff is at 4:00 and to our advantage TFC has a game tonight (Wednesday) at Chicago. Maybe they will be very tired and our team can get a much needed victory. Hamid did not practice today so I suspect we will see the return of Perkins. The injury list is so long, I’m not going to bother. I could also compare the records of the two teams but again not worth the effort. As I said the game is at 4:00 so I am going to head to Gus’ to watch the game, unless I’ve forgotten about some family commitment. Anybody else down with meeting up? If you can’t make it is going to be broadcast on Comcast as well as DirectKick.

Posted in Toronto FC | 1 Comment

Viewing of Columbus

Sorry for missing the last game but from the notes I have read it sounded pretty depressing. Now we look to the future. The world’s longest journey starts with the first step. When the going gets tough the tough get going. Pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. I got nothing. This is the most depressed I have ever been about DC United. I will still support them and all that but god-damn they are making it hard.

I am not sure who is driving up. I’m sticking close to home but will try to make the rest of the home games. If you are heading up and have room please post here.

Anyone up for watching the game? I am open to suggestions. Gus’ is one option but no guarantee of sound. If folks want to come over to my place I am down that. Kickoff is at 7:30 on Fox Soccer Channel.

P.S. – Thanks to all that came to the Lot 8 RFK invasion. It was a great time and will become an annual event.
P.S.S. – Image stolen from the Official DCU Facebook page. Not sure of the photographer.

Posted in Columbus Crew, Tailgate Info, Viewing Party | 2 Comments

RVA Invasion of Lot 8 on Sunday

Taking the new RVA DCU transport for a test drive. Picture credit to @ryeclifton on twitter, originally seen on CHPN

This Sunday we have yet another 2011 pre-season game at the Pleasure Dome aka RFK. Kick off is at 2:00 p.m. which means we can bring the young ones/working ones and still get home in time for bedtime. I would like to get as many of our crew up there and lay out a spread to share with our fellow supporters. I am going to check into getting a keg of Legend beer to bring up. If Legend is too expensive might just do PBR since it is the People’s Beer of Richmond. Please make every effort you can to make it up. There is no denying, that this season is a shit sandwich on stale bread but this is our team and we support it no matter how painful it is to watch.

If you need any more incentive to come up, we are playing Philly. I expect that there are going to be a large number of these bastards in our stadium. We need to show these cheese-steak eating, Liberty Bell ringing, Brother Loving, that we are the original Sons of Ben. Logo is the work of Doug Dobey and I stole it with extreme malice from his FB page.

Posted in DCU, Tailgate Info | Tagged | 6 Comments

DCU vs Da Burn

So glad the punk Ruiz is gone.

The 2011 preseason continues as Dallas rides into DC. Kickoff is at 8 p.m. on Saturday. All reasonable and perhaps mathematical hope for making the playoffs are gone. There is however one interesting subplot to watch. Dallas’ Cunningham is 5 goals behind Jaime’s 132 career goals. Add Jaime’s Facebook post reported by Chico “Jaime just posted on fb thanking all the fans that have supported him thru out his career as well as his parents and his family. Yesterday he posted that he was going into the FO to determine his future with the club. Seems to me like it’s over.” Also there is this article. I get the gist but perhaps Pedro can fill in the details.

Post here if you are going up and have room. The game will be broadcast on Direct Kick and Comcast. I’ll post tomorrow about next weekend’s Sunday game and a possible RVA invasion.

Posted in Dallas Burn, DCU, Tailgate Info | 3 Comments