DCU vs. LA Gals on Saturday

Yes that video was a long time ago but it still feels so good. Queen Landycake with his high-pitched pitcher Beckham and all the baby bitches are heading into town this Saturday. The game kicks off at 7:30. Pedro has started the van pool thread on Facebook head over there to sign up or if don’t do Facebook post here and I’ll transfer it over.

Does this image grabbed from the DCU website piss off anyone else?

Also don’t forget there is a Open Cup Play in game on Wednesday vs. Philly at the soccer complex. I’m not sure if they are webcasting and I don’t know of anyone heading up on that Bataan deathmarch of a commute.

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3 Responses to DCU vs. LA Gals on Saturday

  1. Scott Fields says:

    Thanks for the post, Rich. Trish & I are taking Adam & Stef up on Saturday and we’re staying overnight since it’s Trish’s birthday weekend. I’m not gonna have room for the pop-up shelter, so either I can drop it by or we make arrangements to get it on the van.

  2. nic says:

    dont forget extra bungees for the pop-up – just in case 🙂

  3. B says:

    I’m going to the USOC game. If anyone needs a ride back I can make it happen. Driving to the game from NoVa so I can’t give a ride up but could pickup in the Tyson’s area if you can get there.

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